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2.4 Recursion, Memory and Structs

 In the previous sections, We introduced you to Binary Search and Merge Sort, both of which had one thing in common, can you guess what?

Both of them called themselves!

Like in Binary Search we said,

1. Goto the Middle of the array
2. If middle term is more than the number we are looking for, run Binary Search (calling itself) on the left side of the array, else look on the right side of the array and if its equal, then return true.

This is what is known as Recursion!

A function or method which calls itself is a recursive function/method.
We may define functions which return a certain power of a number as a recursive function and also the factorial function as a recursive function.

NOTE: For those who don’t know what is factorial and Exponent: The factorial of any integer ‘n’ is defined as the product of n and all the numbers which are less than n, uptil 1.  The factorial of any number n is denoted by n!. Eg. (5! = 5x4x3x2x1, 4! = 4x3x2x1 etc.).

Any integer a, raised to the bth power,(denoted by ab) means a multiplied by itself for b number of times. i.e. a2 = a x a, 25= 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 etc.

NOTE: The Following codes are not complete programs, they are just declarations of functions of Factorial and Power/Exponent.

int factorial(n){
            if(n == 1){
                        return 1;
                        return n*factorial(n-1);

int power(a,b){
                        return a;
                        return a*power(a,b-1);


You may write a complete program testing these two recursive functions to check for yourself and to make yourself comfortable with recursion.

Recursion is a very useful programming tool, which is used quite often, but always remembers one thing that if there’s a function which could be run as both recursive and iterative (with loops!), then the loop implementation would always be faster than the recursive one, for reasons you may search for on Google.

Now Then, Let’s move on to memory,

The notion of Memory is not quite related to the study of algorithms and data structures, but since it was a bit trivial, we had decided to put it in this section.

A Computer stores all the variables and arrays we declare in our program, in form a table with indexes and therefore, whenever we declare a variable it provides that variable some particular amount of Space in the memory(in what we call RAM!) and that space is referred to by a pointer!

Pointers are one of the most error-prone things in Programming, because they are so complicated, that even thinking about them in a complicated way will confuse you, but if you think of it in the sense of the actual word then everything will seem to be quite clear.

You may also think of a pointer as an address to some particular space in memory as well. An address which you could manipulate.

When we declare an array as ‘int arr[n]’, here the ‘arr’ is actually a pointer which points to some particular point in memory where a lot elements could be stored contiguously, one after another as a string or container of elements.

In C, many times you need to declare variables as pointer and manipulate them, this is known as Dynamic Memory Allocation and is considered one of the most hectic tasks in Programming. In C++(which is a more convenient language in a manner of speaking!), its not that hectic, All you got to do if you want to have some memory provided to you is something like the following:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){
            int* arr;
            arr = new int[10];
            for(int i = 0;i<10;i++){
            cout<<”Here’s the Numbers you entered:”<<endl;
            for(int j = 0;j<10;j++){
                        cout<<arr[j]<<’ ‘;
            delete[] arr;

Here, ‘new’ is an operator/function which does one simple thing, it allocates space for one array or one variable. Its as if it asks the Computer for space to store a certain number of elements at any given pointer i.e. At any given point in Memory which is indicated by a pointer. ‘delete’ is a function/operator which is used to return the space which was allocated to that particular pointer so, Pointers aren’t exactly like addresses but they are similar to addresses!

And at last coming to Structs,

Structs are a form of an artificial data type. You may remember that we told you of some of the most basic data types, i.e. int, char, float, double, long etc.

But suppose that you are to build a program and you need to store an array of something intricate (for example, lets say we are to store the details of some contacts in a phone).

Here’s how we would do so in code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

typedef struct Contact{
            string name;
            string email;
            long number;

int main(){
            int n;
            cout<<"Hello, Welcome to your own phone book!"<<endl;
            cout<<"How many Phone Numbers would you like to have?"<<endl;
            Contact arrayOfContacts[n];
            for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){
                        cout<<"Enter Details of the "<<i+1<<"st Contact:"<<endl;
                        cout<<"Enter her/his Name:";
                        cout<<endl<<"Enter her/his Email:";
                        cout<<endl<<"Enter her/his Phone Number:";
            cout<<"Here's your Phonebook:"<<endl;
            for(int j = 0;j<n;j++){
                        cout<<j+1<<". "<<"Name: "<<arrayOfContacts[j].name<<" Email: "<<arrayOfContacts[j].email<<" Number: "<<arrayOfContacts[j].number<<endl;
Note here that all we do is declare another data type by the name Contact, and then use it as we did with normal data types, the only difference is that we use a ‘.’ to exploit some particular property/attribute of that particular data type and to store number In it.

The General syntax of defining a Data Type in C/C++ is:
typedef struct ‘name of data type’{
            ‘attributes/properties of data types preceded by the attributes’ data type’
}’name of data type’;

NOTE: In C++, There’s another notion of a Class, which could also be declared similar to a struct definition but also allows us to define certain functions and set variables as well as functions as public/private/friend inside of the class based on what we want it to be. One could read more about a class by searching of it on Google!
