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3.2 DFS and More!

Now, Most probably you’re wondering what is BFS and DFS, right?

Well, We’ll move there in a bit, but first let’s get through some other basic terminologies of graphs as well!

In the last section, We considered the following graph right?

Now for purposes of simplicity let’s define a graph in another way, This time We’ll use numbers instead of names:

So, here the vertices are numbered: from 1 through 30 and there are 27 edges.

Now Just imagine that all of these vertices were actually places and the edges that are placed in between two vertices indicate that there is a road/path between them i.e. You could reach the other vertex from one of those vertices.

But if they are like roads, then there must be two sorts/kinds of them, right? Because Every road is either two-way whereby you could go in both directions or one way, whereby you could move in just one direction.

In Graph Terminology a one-way path/road/edge is called unidirectional and it is defined to be in one of the directions only. A Two way path/road/edge is known as bi-directional and it is in both the directions i.e. If you could go from A to B, then you could also come back from B to A.

A Unidirectional Graph may also be called a Directed Graph while a Bi-Directional Graph may be called an Undirected Graph.

Now, Lets consider that all the edges in the Graph above are Unidirectional, which gives us something like this and you could only move from a vertex of lower number to a vertex of higher number and not the other way round! Eg: You may move from 12 to 25, but not from 25 to 12.

Now Let’s consider the following problem: Can we reach a particular vertex, say ‘x’ from any other vertex, say ‘y’. If we ask in particular with reference to the above graph if we could reach vertex 30 from vertex 1, the answer would be yes, We would go from: 1à6à13à30.

But if we ask if we could reach vertex 26 from vertex 13, the answer would be no! Because the edges are unidirectional and there’s no any route(series of paths, taken one after another) possible which goes from vertex 26 to 13.

Could we generalize an algorithm which could work on solving the problem stated above for any provided graph?

As it turns out: Yes, We Can!

This is what BFS(Breadth First Search) and DFS(Depth First Search) are all about.

Depth First Search is slightly more popular than Breadth First Search for being slightly more efficient and easy to implement, thus we should look onto just Depth First Search though you could look upon BFS on Google if you wish to!

For DFS, our task is to find out which Vetices/nodes could be reached from any other given vertex/node.
We take the starting vertex as ‘v’ and associate every vertex with a property named, ‘visited’ which is a Boolean indicating whether that particular vertex could be reached/visited from the given starting point and has been covered already or not, The Pseudocode is like:

DFS(G,v)   ( v is the vertex where the search starts )
         Stack S := {};   ( start with an empty stack )
         for each vertex u, set visited[u] := false;
         push S, v;
         while (S is not empty) do
            u := pop S;
            if (not visited[u]) then
               visited[u] := true;
               for each unvisited neighbour w of u
                  push S, w;
            end if
         end while
      END DFS()

Here’s an animation demonstrating the same: 

In C++ Code we may have DFS declared in an almost user-friendly manner in the following way:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>

using namespace std;

typedef struct edge{
            int from;
            int to;

typedef struct vertex{
            int num;
            vector<edge> to;                       //The Edges which end up at any particular vertex
            vector<edge> from;                   //The Edges which start from any particular vertex
            bool visited;

typedef struct graph{
            vector<vertex> V;
            vector<edge> E;

int main(){
            graph G;
            int n,m,i;            // n = Number of Vertexes and m = Number of Edges
            cout<<"How many Vertices would you like to have?"<<endl;
            G.V.resize(n+1);      // Telling the Computer to have spaces for n elements in the Vertex vector
            for(i = 1;i<=n;i++){
                        G.V[i].visited = false;
                        G.V[i].num = i;
            cout<<"How many edges would you like to have?"<<endl;
            G.E.resize(m);          //Telling the Computer to have space for m elements in the edges vector
            for(i = 0;i<m;i++){
                        cout<<"Enter the vertex from which the "<<i<<"th edge starts: ";
                        cout<<endl<<"Enter the vertex to which the "<<i<<"th edge goes:";
                        G.V[G.E[i].from].from.push_back(G.E[i]); //Storing to the from attribute of every vertex
                        G.V[G.E[i].to].to.push_back(G.E[i]);                     //Storing to the to attribute of every vertex
            cout<<"From which vertex would you like to know the other vertices which could be reached by it?"<<endl;
            int start;
            cin>>start;                    //Getting the Start Vertex for DFS
            vector<int> reachable;
            //DFS starts from here
            vertex u;
            stack<vertex> S;
                        u =;S.pop();
                                    u.visited = true;
                                    for(i = 0;i<u.from.size();i++){
            cout<<"The Vertices that could be visited from Vertex "<<start<<" are: ";
            for(i = 0;i<reachable.size();i++){
                        cout<<reachable[i]<<", ";

We start with a declaration of the types we are going to need, including vertex, edges and graphs with all the required attributes, then we take input and store it where it needs to be stored and then implement exactly like the Pseudocode.

We could implement DFS using a Recursive Method as well!

NOTE: The <stack> library consists of functions in C++ using which we could declare and make use of stacks including the pop and push features, as we discussed in previous sections. .resize() is a function from the vector library which is used to set the size of a vector.

Implement DFS using a Recursive Method!


1. Problem 1. Fence from :
