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A Reciprocation on Swimming (and on the Real World!)

Swimming teaches one some of the most important aspects of life!

When you are in shallow water you have a coach around you, who teaches you lessons, who prepares you to swim in deep when s/he is not around you, who teaches you each and every thing before you enter the deep horizons. Even there you have got a choice either to pay attention to what you coach is saying or simply ignore, after knowing that no matter what you got to face the deep world. Now,It comes high time that you move into deep from shallow you might shrink for a while but you don't let your feet touch the ground. A swimmer in a deep pond might be support-less but what really matters is s/he is able to recall everything that his/her coach has told him/her.

Once upon a time, The same might have applied to the real world as well, when you step onto the real, deep and bleak world after your education, You think you are prepared for it after everything that your teachers had taught you, and you move on with full confidence, but just as you enter difficulties, you have a choice whether to face it or to give up and at that time, one is reminded of whatever his/her teacher had taught him/her which once again provides him/her with the confidence to keep moving.

Are things the same today?

Of Course Not!