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3.4 Greedy Algorithms and Dynamic Programming

Have you heard of the Fibonacci Sequence?

It’s a sequence of numbers whereby, every number is the sum of the previous two numbers.

Stating things more formally, Tn=Tn-2+Tn-1

The Fibonacci Sequence with T1 = 1 and T2 = 1 is: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89……

Suppose we had to write a program which prints on the screen n terms of the Fibonacci Sequence: One way of 
doing that would be:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int Fib(int a){
            if(a==1 || a==2){
                        return 1;
                        return Fib(n-2)+Fib(n-1);

int main(){
            int n;
            for(int i= 1;i<=n;i++){
                        cout<<Fib(i)<<’ ‘;

In this implementation, the running time would be what?

Let’s See:

We’re running the main recursion up there, and for every number n it forces us to run recursion again on (n-1) and on (n-2), which takes us n computations right?

And we that for ‘n’ computations, down in the main loop, Thus roughly speaking our Running time here would be O(n2).

Can We do better?
Can We make the Program more efficient?

As it turns out we can!

Check out the following Program:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){
            int n;
            int fib[n+1];
            for(int i = 1;i<=n;i++){
                        if(i==1 || i==2){
                                    fib[i] = 1;
                                    fib[i] = fib[i-1]+fib[i-2];
                        cout<<fib[i]<<’ ‘;

Now, Let’s try to figure, its running time, We just have one main loop which runs for N times. Thus, the Running time/Complexity is O(n).


What was the difference between the two programs we saw above?

What made the second one more efficient while the first one was less?

That’s where the paradigm of Greedy Algorithms and Dynamic Algorithms (or Dynamic Programming) comes into play.

The first Program/Algorithm was what we may term a Greedy Algorithm because in every iteration/computation of that algorithm we computed something rigorously without thinking if we had computed it previously as well or not.

While in the Second Program/Algorithm, it would be termed Dynamic because at every step we stored the nth term of the Fibonacci Sequence so that we could again use it to compute the next term.

That’s somewhat like the General Structure of a Dynamic Algorithm, what we do in a Dynamic Algorithm in a step wise manner:

1. ) The initial stage of designing a dynamic programming algorithm for a problem usually involves generalising the problem slightly, and solving a collection of smaller subproblems as well as the specific problem instance described by the input. Although this seems as though we have made our problem harder (by deciding to compute extra results), an intelligent choice of generalisation will be the key to solving our original problem efficiently. For the Fibonacci number problem, our generalisation will be to compute all of F(0), F(1), F(2), . . . , F(n), rather than simply F(n).

2) Once we have generalised our problem, we will then write down a recurrence (or, more generally, a short algorithm) for solving one problem instance in terms of “smaller” (in some sense) problem instances. It must be the case that the smaller problem instances on the right-hand side of the recurrence lie within the set of subproblems identified in dp1(a) above (and that this is true recursively). dp1(a) and dp1(b) really must be done together. For the Fibonacci number problem, our recurrence is as in the definition: Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2, for n ≥ 2.

3) Next step is to allocate storage for the results for each of the subproblems (identified in 1), 2)) which we will solve during our algorithm. Usually it is possible to store the subproblems in an table - hopefully, this will be 1-dimensional, or 2-dimensional. There are problems which require 3-dimensional (or greater) tables, but we won’t see those in ADS. If we start designing a DP algorithm and find that the set of identified subproblems from 1) will not fit in a sensibly-structured table with a reasonable number of dimensions, and of a reasonable size, this might indicate that there is no good DP algorithm for that problem. The table we use for the Fibonacci number problem is an array of length n + 1, indexed from 0 upwards. This array will store F(k) at the index k.

4) Finally, we must set up an algorithm to control the order in which subproblems are solved (and their results stored in the appropriate cell of the table). It is imperative that this be done in such a way that all of the subproblems appearing on the right-hand side of the recurrence must be computed and stored in the table in advance of the call to that recurrence (in cases where we can’t see how to do this, it may be that our problem, or recurrence, is not amenable to DP).

Computing Fibonacci Numbers is a very elementary way of implementing the paradigm of Dynamic Programming.

Here are some other(more rigorous!) examples of Greedy Algorithms and Dynamic Algorithms:

            1) Kruskal’s Algorithm for Finding Minimum Spanning Trees:
            2) Prim’s Algorithm for Finding Minimum Spanning Trees:
            1) Longest Common Subsequence :
            2) (very rigorous) Matrix Chain Multiplication:

You should go well through the exercises to get a nice idea of DP (short for Dynamic Programmng) and Greedy Algorithms as they are ideas central to CS.


NOTE: You need to keep in mind that your computer can’t perform more than 107 -108 Computations in a second, and need to develop an algorithm which has running time falling between those boundaries. Also You’ll need to Incorporate all your knowledge of Algorithms from Sorting & Searching to DP and Greedy Algorithms in order to solve these Problems.

Try Solving Programming Exercises from  the Following Links:
